Healing Your Home

Need support in rebalancing the energy of your home? Are you noticing certain patterns/stories reappearing in your life that do not feel in alignment with your authentic self? Do you notice yourself feeling, stuck, heavy, or anxious at home? Have you had a traumatic/challenging event, or a major life transition happen recently? Do you have the sense there is a lingering or unwanted energy around you? These are a few indications a home healing may be helpful for you.

Spaces hold energy, spaces are energy. A space healing ceremony can be a supportive way to call in new ways of being, end cycles that do not feel in alignment with your authentic self, or simply rebalance/tune the energy of your home to the energy of your highest good. My space healing sessions go beyond just clearing, we design a custom ceremony based on your energetic needs. Calling in support, connecting with your intentions, and being in right relationship with the land are all vital parts of making your house a place that truly feels like home.

Sessions include:

~ A phone consultation to determine what tools and practices will best fit your energetic needs

~ 120 minute custom healing ceremony within your home, which includes you as an active participant. Examples of practices and tools that may be included-

  • Offerings for the land and land spirits your home resides upon

  • Clearing with locally sourced, sustainable herbs and tree resin harvested with love and care, in right relationship (please do not use white sage in your home unless you are indigenous or have been initiated/invited into the practice. Smudging with white sage is a closed practice and can actually cause energetic harm or amplify difficult energies).

  • Sound healing to support energetic shifts

  • Fortifying your energetic boundaries and shielding practices

  • Medicine cards for deeper insight

  • Altar creation

  • Energy work for you and home

  • Tools such as stone/flower essences, salt bowls, and smoke cleanses to be left with you in order to support continued clarity and nourishment

  • Guided journeying for deeper levels of support

Session Cost in the local Portland area: $166

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